Removing and Deleting Boxes from a Pickup List
User Functionality > Boxes > Removing and Deleting Boxes from a Pickup List

Existing boxes are already in storage at Iron Mountain; they cannot be deleted from Iron Mountain Connect Records Management. However, they can be removed from a pickup list. Iron Mountain Connect Records Management automatically removes existing boxes from the pickup list when you remove the last file in the box.

New boxes are boxes that you have prepared for offsite storage but that have not yet been delivered to Iron Mountain and associated with an SKP Barcode. You are able to delete a new box and a new box containing new files from the pickup list. Deleting a new box or file removes it from the pickup list and from Iron Mountain Connect Records Management.

  1. Select Records Management | Pickups, Add Records | Pickup List (Add Records). The Pickup List screen opens.
  2. Click the Action dropdown to the right of the box you wish to remove from the pickup list and select Delete from the dropdown list.
  3. Iron Mountain Connect Records Management prompts you to ensure that you wish to remove the box from the pickup list. Click Delete. The box is removed and a success message displays on the Pickup List screen.

See Also
